Anne Lotter

Executive Director – Global Travel and Tourism Partnership (GTTP) Consulter
After graduating in Business & Finance, Anne trained as a journalist and advised senior Government ministers on press related issues for nine years.
She went on to establish a food manufacturing business which was subsequently sold to pursue an interest in socially sustainable enterprise and education. Anne’s postgraduate training is in anthropology, and in 2020 she joined the Global Travel & Tourism Partnership (GTTP) as Executive Director, an organisation which provides free education in travel and tourism for students in 17 countries around the globe, with a focus on supporting marginalised students with training and jobs.
In 2011, Anne established Project Le Monde, an educational charity which provides infrastructure and support for marginalised children in Uganda. She also teaches Entrepreneurship and Family Business at a London university.
Anne is a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute and the British Travel Health Association.